After two weeks of living in Houston I decided it was time to go home...for lake powell!!!
It was a total last minute trip and I couldn't be more happy that I went, since I missed out last year being in Japan.
(I was so beyond sad that Brian, and Django, couldn't come!)
The trip started out with my flight being delayed, driving to LP that night and getting in at 2:30 am, and our room not being available!!!
Like literally there was no one to contact and our room key was supposed to be left in the lobby, so we made camp on the lobby couches!
There were only two couches and it was me, my mom, and my brother so my mom and I bunked up!
So we have a houseboat that we share with a family we've grown up with---the Paulsens.
The peeps in my family who went were me, my mom, dad, brothers and one of my brothers girlfriend.
^^my old man dad still skiing!
^^My brothers gf, Ashley, didn't know how to wakeboard and Derek taught her.
Her face when she got up was priceless!
Every year everyone always has a new gf/bf and usually they have never been to Lake Powell,
one year I brought someone who knew about the coolest "crack" near where we park our houseboat.
You climb these big rocks into this massive "crack" and walk across to the other side and jump back into the lake. It is so hard to explain but the coolest thing to do!
Only a few of us went this time and it was harder than I remember.
^^the sunsets were killer!
^^although I love the wakeboard, I throw on the ski every now and then
^^my mom
^^cutie derek&ashley
^^Kirk skiing with the best background
^^it always looks way higher than it is when you're about to jump!
^^hike down from the indian ruins
^^not a fish I caught, will do anything to get a good picture of the wallet!
Lake Powell is literally the best vacation ever, and if you didn't grow up doing it then you just don't understand how great it is. I would seriously choose this vacation over any in the world.
After LP was my 22nd birthday!!!
So sad I couldn't spend it with Brian and Django, we grew up with breakfast in bed from my mom and our rooms being decorated. I was not expecting this at all, but before my mom left for work she got me a starbucks hot chocolate, a delicious croissant and made me delicious maple bacon!
I spent the day with my dad doing grocery shopping for the assisted living homes and he spoiled me with some cotton candy. Seriously bacon and cotton candy? My day was complete!
We met the rest of the fam that night for a movie night to see Mission Impossible and they surprised me with the sweetest gifts!
(These minions are from when I came home from Utah, Brian saw the workers at McDonalds throwing these away and asked if he could have them haha. They were the funniest surprise...don't mind that he spelled "birthday" wrong, I promise he's a smart guy!)
Happy Birthday to me!
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